Repeal Closed Primaries

Join the overwhelming majority of PA voters who favor repealing closed primaries.

Every spring, Pennsylvania's voters head to the polls for the Commonwealth's primary elections.

But not everyone is included in this process. That’s because primaries are closed in Pennsylvania.  More than 1.1 million taxpaying independent voters are denied their right to vote in these elections, despite paying their share of $75 million a year to fund them.

It’s time to #RepealClosedPrimaries and allow every legally registered voter to cast a ballot in PA’s primary.

74% of Pennsylvanians support repealing closed primaries - including strong majorities of independents, Democrats, and Republicans.

Repealing closed primaries would guarantee a more fair process, increase the competitiveness of races, and help limit the amount of extremism and gridlock on both sides.


Click the form above to contact your legislators 🔺


Fill out the form below to sign our petition 🔻


Ballot PA is a growing coalition bringing together thousands of Pennsylvania voters, veterans, young adults, businesses, and civic organizations to fight for independents' right to vote in primary elections.


Who's signing

Cheryl Rampelt
Priscilla Barr
Shobhana Kanal
Cari Gustafson
Anthony Barksdale
Calvin Walker
Alan Kugler
Jim Kelly
David Schernecke
Tom Farris
Joan McMullen
Wayne Estes
David Charlton
Raymond Rossa
Molly Ellis
Michael Toczylowski
Carol Atherholt
Tanya West
Dorothy Roth
Kathryn Gates
Marie Kolumber
Peggy Biller
Bonnie Logue
Tom Kushinka
Mary Sheldon
Linda Goodman
Sandra Akacem
Mary Gilbert
Marie Breslin
Donald Feather
4,297 signatures

Will you sign?

  • Cheryl Rampelt
    signed 2023-10-12 11:50:37 -0400
    I am concerned about tour AD featuring Rep Valerie Gaydos that appeared in the Sewickley Herald for two consecutive weeks. It is somewhat misleading, so might be sending a message that did not intend.
  • Priscilla Barr
    signed 2023-10-12 10:13:44 -0400
  • Shobhana Kanal
    signed 2023-10-12 04:42:46 -0400
  • Cari Gustafson
    signed 2023-10-11 20:10:23 -0400
  • Anthony Barksdale
    signed 2023-10-11 11:25:02 -0400
  • Calvin Walker
    signed 2023-10-11 06:01:44 -0400
  • Alan Kugler
    signed 2023-10-10 21:46:58 -0400
  • Jim Kelly
    signed 2023-10-10 10:29:34 -0400
  • David Schernecke
    signed 2023-10-10 06:54:55 -0400
    Margaret V Schernecke
  • Tom Farris
    signed 2023-10-09 14:44:50 -0400
  • Joan McMullen
    signed 2023-10-09 12:56:55 -0400
  • Wayne Estes
    signed 2023-10-09 11:47:50 -0400
  • David Charlton
    signed 2023-10-09 00:56:55 -0400
  • Raymond Rossa
    signed 2023-10-08 16:28:20 -0400
  • Molly Ellis
    signed 2023-10-08 11:04:01 -0400
  • Michael Toczylowski
    signed 2023-10-08 09:06:18 -0400
  • Carol Atherholt
    signed 2023-10-07 18:40:18 -0400
  • Tanya West
    signed 2023-10-07 13:35:03 -0400
    Been a registered INDEPENDENT for years. Tired of being disenfranchised along with many others.
  • Dorothy Roth
    signed 2023-10-07 11:10:07 -0400
    Open primary is the only way everyone can vote and have their voice heard. What is PA so backward on this issue? The Constitution quarantees that all persons eligible to vote are allowed to vote, but yet there are states like PA that prevent that from happening. It’s time to put closed primary in the dustbin and give ALL PA residents their quaranteed right to vote in every election!!!!!
  • Kathryn Gates
    signed 2023-10-06 21:39:23 -0400
  • Marie Kolumber
    signed 2023-10-06 21:22:19 -0400
  • Peggy Biller
    signed 2023-10-06 20:55:54 -0400
  • Bonnie Logue
    signed 2023-10-06 20:32:26 -0400
  • Tom Kushinka
    signed 2023-10-06 20:06:52 -0400
  • Mary Sheldon
    signed 2023-10-06 19:13:06 -0400
  • Linda Goodman
    signed 2023-10-06 16:10:57 -0400
  • Sandra Akacem
    signed via 2023-10-06 16:06:50 -0400
  • Mary Gilbert
    signed 2023-10-06 16:00:20 -0400
  • Marie Breslin
    signed 2023-10-06 15:41:56 -0400
  • Donald Feather
    signed 2023-10-06 15:30:03 -0400
