Voteswagon Tour


Starting September 6th, Ballot PA Vets will launch a statewide tour with veterans and bipartisan leaders to highlight the disproportionate impact closed primaries have on our veteran community in Pennsylvania.

The traveling icon of the tour will be the Voteswagon, a 1991 Volkswagen Westfalia camper that serves as a rolling billboard for the Committee of Seventy’s civic awareness efforts. For this tour, the Voteswagon will promote the importance of allowing all Pennsylvania voters, particularly registered Independents, to vote in all elections, including Primary Elections.

We invite the public to join us at any of these events, or follow along on our social media (Facebook).


Tour Dates


When: Tuesday, September 6, 3:00 PM

Who: Patrick Murphy, David Thornburgh, Local Veterans 

What: Ballot PA Vets Host a Picnic Table Discussion About Repealing Closed Primaries in PA

Where: Doylestown, Veteran’s Memorial Park


When: Wednesday, September 7, 10:00 AM

Who: Marilyn Kelly-Cavotta, David Thornburgh, Local Veterans 

What: Ballot PA Vets Host a Picnic Table Discussion About Repealing Closed Primaries in PA

Where: Bethlehem, Moravian University


The previously scheduled stops for the week of September 12th are being rescheduled due to an unforeseen conflict. We'll keep this page updated when we have revised dates. Thanks for following along!

Showing 5 reactions

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  • Rick Julius
    commented 2022-09-14 20:38:45 -0400
    Please let me know when you are coming to York, PA.? I want to pass on the word at our Senior Community Center and our parish church.
  • David Kveragas
    commented 2022-09-02 17:28:08 -0400
    Why not the Northeast section of the state? Especially Lackawanna County?
  • David P Romanko
    commented 2022-09-02 17:27:56 -0400
    Thanks so much for your efforts, never thought there would be such an organized effort in my lifetime !
    Sincerely, David P. Romanko Please let me know more about the 9-12-22 event in Uniontown , as I plan to attend.
  • Rick Julius
    commented 2022-09-02 16:59:45 -0400
    Please let me know when you are coming to York Pa. I like to help in any way I can.
  • Justin Villere
    published this page 2022-09-01 14:34:24 -0400
