Repeal Closed Primaries

Every spring, Pennsylvania's voters head to the polls for the Commonwealth's primary elections.

But not everyone is included in this process. That’s because primaries are closed in Pennsylvania.  More than 1.1 million taxpaying independent voters are denied their right to vote in these elections, despite paying their share of $75 million a year to fund them.

It’s time to #RepealClosedPrimaries and allow every legally registered voter to cast a ballot in PA’s primary.

74% of Pennsylvanians support repealing closed primaries - including strong majorities of independents, Democrats, and Republicans.

Repealing closed primaries would guarantee a more fair process, increase the competitiveness of races, and help limit the amount of extremism and gridlock on both sides.

Join the overwhelming majority of PA voters in favor of ending closed primaries in PA – add your name below to join the movement to #RepealClosedPrimaries now.

Ballot PA is a project of the Committee of Seventy and is a growing coalition of civic, community and business organizations committed to ensuring independents in Pennsylvania have the right to vote in primary elections.


Who's signing

Scott Sangrey
Jim Altenbach
Laurel Sato
Maclain Todd
Brian Shingle
Catherine Mott
Robin Werkema
Jerry King Musser
Anthony Lombardy
Sean Werkema
Cynthia Straight
Justin Allen
Bryan Reid
Danny Bauder
Charlette Stout
Donna Landis
Kay Gehman
Steve Teufel
Linda Connor
Karen Chesbro
Dina Taylor
Richard Ringer
Robert Marino
Patrick Witmer
Mark Orr
Joe Pessin
Chris Cera
Larry Pritt
Richard Fisher
Maxwell Segale
4,244 signatures

Will you sign?

  • Scott Sangrey
    signed 2022-05-11 18:09:35 -0400
  • Jim Altenbach
    signed 2022-05-11 17:47:55 -0400
    Don’t start flooding me with emails. I signed the petition and that should all be that you are interested in.
  • Laurel Sato
    signed 2022-05-11 17:29:44 -0400
  • Maclain Todd
    signed 2022-05-11 17:27:33 -0400
  • Brian Shingle
    signed 2022-05-11 15:58:43 -0400
  • Catherine Mott
    signed 2022-05-11 15:22:46 -0400
  • Robin Werkema
    signed 2022-05-11 14:19:13 -0400
  • Jerry King Musser
    signed 2022-05-11 13:42:04 -0400
    I’m completely FOR this… however, I had better not get even MORE texts and phone calls about politics because I’ve signed.
  • Anthony Lombardy
    signed 2022-05-11 12:03:14 -0400
  • Sean Werkema
    signed 2022-05-11 11:21:21 -0400
    In 2016, I changed my party affiliation to “independent,” knowing full well that I was sacrificing my ability to vote by doing it. It was a principled position; but at the same time, it was also a choice I should not have had to make: If Pennsylvania had open primaries, I could have followed my conscience without losing my rights. I wholeheartedly support #RepealClosedPrimaries!
  • Cynthia Straight
    signed 2022-05-11 10:51:00 -0400
  • Justin Allen
    signed via 2022-05-11 10:12:30 -0400
  • Bryan Reid
    signed via 2022-05-11 10:01:13 -0400
  • Danny Bauder
    signed 2022-05-11 09:43:40 -0400
  • Charlette Stout
    signed 2022-05-11 09:24:24 -0400
  • Donna Landis
    signed 2022-05-11 09:19:24 -0400
  • Kay Gehman
    signed 2022-05-11 09:11:12 -0400
  • Steve Teufel
    signed 2022-05-11 09:06:54 -0400
  • Linda Connor
    signed 2022-05-11 09:06:53 -0400
  • Karen Chesbro
    signed 2022-05-11 08:28:29 -0400
  • Dina Taylor
    signed 2022-05-11 08:14:52 -0400
  • Richard Ringer
    signed 2022-05-11 08:01:56 -0400
    I am the Democratic candidate to represent the 51st District in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives. Every person’s vote should count, and I support making voting easier for everyone, no matter their political ideology.
  • Robert Marino
    signed 2022-05-11 06:29:00 -0400
  • Patrick Witmer
    signed 2022-05-11 00:03:42 -0400
  • Mark Orr
    signed 2022-05-10 23:42:51 -0400
  • Joe Pessin
    signed via 2022-05-10 22:43:59 -0400
    How the “open” system is to function is as important to improving our elections as is repealing the current closed system.

    Beyond that we need to have singular cross party primaries where all party candidate are in a single ballot for anyone to vote for.

    Allowing independents to vote is generally a good thing (I only party affiliate to vote against a candidate in the primary) but making them choose which party primary to participate is not.

    Then we should be using a Conorcet system of tabulation (form of ranked choice) to send all that received greater than 20% to the general election.

    Other forms of ranked choice have issues which eliminate more popular candidates earlier in the process

    The problem with the open binary primary where independents or anyone can vote for either (but not both) slate of party (Democrat or Republican -ignoring minor parties) as I understand it is as follows:

    Let’s say each party has an extremist and a more moderate candidate. Let’s assume in general, the independents will favor one of the two moderate candidates from either party. Lets’ say in one, the Democrats, it looks like the moderate candidate is going to win comfortably. People who favor that candidate may feel it is to their advantage to vote for the Republican slate of primary candidates and vote for the extremist thinking it will help their candidate in the general election. Simply put there is too much incentive for people to play games and try to trick the system.

    The best way I have seen to avoid that is a ranked choice single primary system where the winners are chosen using a Condorcet method.
  • Chris Cera
    signed 2022-05-10 21:15:19 -0400
  • Larry Pritt
    signed 2022-05-10 20:25:59 -0400
  • Richard Fisher
    signed via 2022-05-10 19:59:26 -0400
  • Maxwell Segale
    signed 2022-05-10 19:20:03 -0400
    I would like to participate in the primary election
